Spirit from high

Spirit from high.

I was talking to a guy today who mentioned a friend who worked for Virgin Airways. As she was on a flight and had a break due, she went down to the cabin staff area. As she descended to the lower deck she noticed an old lady who seemed distressed. She approached this lady and mentioned that this area was for staff only. The woman replied, “I am sorry I did not feel well, could you tell my husband and he will come and get me please”. The stewardess made her way to the seating area where the woman said her husband would be. When she told him he exploded into a rage and was very upset. He said “I know she is down stairs, she is in the cargo area and is in her coffin “. In shock the stewardess explained and described the woman to him, with this the husband settled down and although in shock he realised it was his wife and had sent a messenger to him.
The stewardess had to have counseling after this event.
I am told in honesty that this story is the truth and believe the person who passed it to me.

May 12th, 2016 by